Welcome to a comprehensive guide to free booknote summaries, literature notes, and study guides, for hundreds of classic novels. Dad is not home a wagon appears with slaves hidden underneath a blanket. Founded in 1958 by clifton keith hillegass, cliffsnotes is the original company that produced study guides and book summaries ranging from shakespeare to algebra. Having just lost her grandfather, katherine kit tyler leaves her home in tropical barbados on a ship the dolphin bound for connecticut. Travis and old yeller bond at night when they defend the cornfield from varmints. See all books authored by cliffsnotes, including brave new world and brave new world revisited cliff notes, and. Knowing our why is essential for lasting success and the ability to avoid being lumped in with others.
Oct 01, 2008 compelling, witty, and refreshingly real, suicide notes is a darkly humorous novel from awardwinning author michael thomas ford that examines that fuzzy line between normal and the rest of us. Good to great by jim collins cliff notes max hodgen chapter 1. Most people use cliffsnotes by reading a chapter of the book or an. The summary of holes is a complete study guide for each chapter of the novel, analysis of characters and plot. The lovely bones study guide contains a biography of alice sebold, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The worlds largest library of free online literature summaries, with over 460 study guides book notes chapter summaries online currently, and so much more. Cliff notes steal away home home polk school district. Founded in 1958 by clifton keith hillegass, cliffsnotes is the original company that produced study guides and book summaries ranging from. Diary of a wimpy kid study guide contains a biography of jeff kinney, literature essays, a complete etext, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Alicia berenson was thirtythree years old when she killed her husband. Namely, its a wellresearched book which claims to have uncovered a better and more feasible way to sell your products. The hunger games begins on the day of the reaping in district 12. There she is determined to find her aunt rachel wood, her only remaining family.
The story starts with some very general statements about life before the war, such as the famous opening line. Biblenotes the entire holy bible is summarized with easyto. Navy seals lead and win by jocko willink, leif babin. The witch of blackbird pond summary having just lost her grandfather, katherine kit tyler leaves her home in tropical barbados on a ship the dolphin bound for connecticut. Good to great by jim collins cliff notes max hodgen. Then, when the internet started to become a force to be reckoned with, cliffs notes moved its operations to the online realm. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides for challenging works of literature. Travis goes out to get the familys last side of middling meat, only to find that it is gone. Here is my cliff notes summary of siblings without rivalry.
Best lessons and summary of the art of war, by sun tzu. This study guide consists of approximately 58 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of what alice forgot. The audio book has 6 cds which have been polished and played well when checked. Book summary katniss everdeen, the storys 16yearold narrator, sets out to meet her friend gale so they can do some hunting and gathering before the reaping that afternoon.
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A number of services sell compressed summaries of business books to help busy executives keep up with the latest publications. Warfighting cliff notes a synopsis of mcdp 1 warfighting foreword. Cliffsnotes formerly cliffs notes, originally cliff s notes and often, erroneously, cliffnotes are a series of student study guides. All you have to do is look on the list below for your book, and click on the link. Nowadays, me and my little team are adding one new book summary every single day. Mar 26, 2019 the silent patient is the gripping mustread debut thriller of 2019 perfect for fans of the woman in the window by a. People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
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Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of the phantom of the opera by gaston leroux. Aug 20, 1998 holes is about stanley yelnats, a boy with terrible luck due a curse on his family, sent to a juvenile detention center called camp green lake. Biblenotes the entire holy bible is summarized with easy. Every inspiring leader and organization, regardless of size or industry, starts with why. Free book notes, cliff notes, summaries, and study guides. With riveting firsthand accounts of making highpressure decisions as navy seal battlefield leaders, this audiobook is equally gripping for leaders who seek to dominate other arenas.
Old yeller ends up saving the life not only of travis from wild hogs but also of mama and lisbeth bud searcys granddaughter, who is left at the farm to help mama while travis. This argument is destroyed in this book which is one of our favorites in the sales category at 12min authors matthew dixon and brent adamson explain that the modern seller achieves success in a very different way from what the popular imaginary tells us. The silent patient by alex michaelides shows you exactly what type of book its aiming to be from the very first sentence. He was working at nebraska book company of lincoln, nebraska, when he met jack cole, the coowner of coles, a toronto book business. These are the questions on the study guide for the cliff notes book only. At getabstract, we summarize books that help people understand the world and make it better. Understand more than 700 works of literature, including to kill a mockingbird, the catcher in the rye, 1984, and lord of the flies at sparknotes. We have meticulously scoured the web to track down all of the free book notes, study guides, book summaries, chapter summaries, and analyses available for thousands of books, plays, and poems. On lees to kill a mockingbird cliffs notes 9780764586002. Cliffsnotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what youre studying, cliffsnotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Popular cliff notes books meet your next favorite book. The cliff notes is the serious alternative to the complete idiots andor bible for dummies read more.
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Published october 14th 2008 by harperteen first published october. Our team has indexed resources from over 23 study guide providers, including sparknotes, cliffs notes, bookrags, shmoop, pink monkey, wikisummaries. The world famous barrons booknotes all 109 free literature summaries study guides plot analysis literary criticism online. Once again, the naca proves to be a place where prejudice continues to exist, and yet also a place where it. The idea that a salesperson is a charismatic, stylish guy who does everything to please the customer has lasted for a long time. Cliffsnotes books list of books by author cliffsnotes thriftbooks. This publication describes the philosophy which distinguishes the u. Katniss everdeen, the storys 16yearold narrator, sets out to meet her friend gale so they can do some hunting and gathering before the reaping that afternoon. The cliff notes is without writing, marks or tears. Detractors of the study guides claim they let students bypass reading the assigned literature. The art of war was written by a chinese general named sun tzu more than 2,500 years ago, possibly in the 6th century bc. Cliffsnotes is the original and most widely imitated study guide. Cliffs complete tm combines the original text of a work with quality commentary and a helpful glossary. The silent patient sneaks up on you like a slash of intimidating shadow on a badly lit street.
As katniss makes her way from her home to the meadow and, finally, to the woods, where people of the district are forbidden to go, we learn about katniss life in the. No names past time the weavers are introduced they are quakers millicent weaver is helping slaves get to freedom up northcanada her flag is up this lets slaves know this is a safe house. The morning after papa leaves, old yeller arrives at the farm. He grows up hunting with his father, and develops a strong sense of duty to his country. I read it in two nights and savored every luscious word, every grim encounter, every startling twist. Never let me go is a novel by kazuo ishiguro that was first published in 2005. A famous painter married to an indemand fashion photographer, she lives in a grand house with big windows overlooking a park in one of. This 54page guide for out of my mind by sharon draper includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis covering 33 chapters, as well as several more indepth sections of expertwritten literary analysis. The guides present and create literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. Holes is about stanley yelnats, a boy with terrible luck due a curse on his family, sent to a juvenile detention center called camp green lake.
Unabridged cd audio book nathaniel hawthornes scarlet. Jan 18, 2018 the challenger sale is something quite unique. Not only that, but successful businesses have followed the relationship. Now, dont forget that people have been buying and selling things since the dawn of times. Baxi believes the skeleton was a fugitive slave who died 140 years ago identity and death are unknown. She joins the flight research division, where she impresses the engineers in the group with her expertise in analytical geometry. For people who like their thrillersslashmysteries to have twisty plots and straightforward writing, this recent release is one. Cliffsnotes study guides book summaries, test preparation. Out of my mind summary and study guide supersummary. Monkeynotes online study guides book notes chapter summary analysis synopsis for 354 different titles currently. Old yeller helps travis mark hogs, hunt, and get the stubborn cow spot to milk.
Cliffs notes on shakespeares a midsummer nights dream by matthew black, count of monte cristo by arnie jacobson, cliffs n. This study guide consists of approximately 69 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of the silent patient. This publication provides the authoritative basis for how we fight and how we prepare to fight. The book has long been heralded for its advice on military success. The phantom of the opera was first published in 1910. Katherine starts work at langley in 1953, after learning about the job from a relative at a wedding.
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